Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 17: Non-Essentials

So, what are non-essentials?  Pretty much any topic that may seem to be relevant in the argument of Christianity but in actuality, may not be all that important towards the conversation of Salvation.  I'm going to hit a few here in this blog and where I personally stand on some of the hottest issues.

Gays and Lesbians

This title in itself hits on so many many levels.  Many believe by being gay or lesbian, that person is automatically going to hell.

But to cut to the chase, here is a thought: people are made in the image of God.  (Genesis 1:27)  Many may ask, "How can a gay person be made in the image of God if he/she is practicing being gay?"  Or the other side of things, "God must have made gays too and must be in favor of gays."

To a few who have actually read a good majority of the Bible (and who truly believe the Bible is God-inspired and relevant even to today's society), there are quite a few verses, both in Old Testament and New Testament that tell us about the stories and harm of having homosexual relationships:

  • Genesis 19:5
  • Judges 19:22 
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
  • Leviticus 18:21-22
  • Leviticus 20:13
  • Romans 1:26-27
  • 1 Timothy 1:8-10

So, what shall we do?  My personal belief is that God doesn't like the BEHAVIOR of gays/lesbians.  (It is a lot different than not liking them as a whole.)  He loves everybody and desire for all to change.  He tells us to love them.  No matter how we think of gays and lesbians, we love them regardless of their position of their sexuality.  Gays/Lesbians are people too.  They go through crap just like you and me.  I may not agree on their behavior but I love them regardless.  Invite them to church.  If they proclaim they are Christians, invite them to also do ministry (but in wisdom, allow them to do what is appropriate).

Because by love, one of two things will happen:

  1. He/she will eventually come to Christ and learn of their habits and how it is against the original design of man and woman.  This person will also eventually turn to being heterosexual.  If you don't think so, I ask that you read the book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire.  One great story of a drag queen who turned to Christ.
  2. He/she will eventually come to Christ, learn of their habits and although may still have gay tendencies, do not partake in any homosexual behavior.  

Marriage and Equality

So, what about equality?  What about having healthcare benefits or even simply using a coupon for gay couples at a restaurant?

I'm actually quite disturbed by this, the fact that government and insurance would think about giving equality to a gay married couple the same as they would give to a straight couple.  By saying, "I will give insurance to both parties."  You are saying and encouraging that gay marriages are okay.  Which leads up to the first topic I have discussed.

Marriage is the covenant between man and woman, just as God created it to be.  (Genesis 1 & 2)  God created man first, Adam and then created woman, Eve, so that Adam will not be alone.  That is the first marriage.  God married them by the creation of them and them being together.  In that, not only do you receive the benefits through a "straight" marriage that you have in your respective countries, whether it is government benefits or work benefits, you receive the spiritual benefits of God and from God.  In uniting physically with someone, one experience another dimensions of spirituality.  I don't want to make it sound that weird; only in the covenant of a Biblical marriage that there is a whole other level a couple experiences.  [And okay, I'm not married but I believe it from my married friends.]

There are a few verses in the New Testament that tell us that a man should be united with his wife (Ephesians 5:31) and even practices of leaders if they are to go into leadership as a male, indirectly saying if they are married, they should be married to a woman.


Many people have differing opinions about this.  A few may have grown up with the tradition that baptism is "sprinkling" water on the head.  A few may have grown up with the tradition that baptism is the pouring of water over the head.

There are other extremes where baptism has to be a part of your salvation.  What?  Yes, in order to be part of a few churches, these churches requires you to be saved and be baptized by them.

Now wait... If you have read my earlier blogs about Salvation, faith alone saves you.  Baptism does not guarantee your salvation.  Only your belief and faith alone.

So, my quick and simple opinion: If you are truly a believer of Christ, get yourself dunked.  The early Christians do the dunk.  It was described to me in this way:

  • When you are a sinner, Christ died for you.  
  • Once you past through the waters (the immersion), your sins are washed away.  Even Christ set the example when he was baptized by John the Baptist.
  • After the immersion, you come out of the water a new creation.  You are a believer in Christ.


Many of you have heard of Dave Ramsey and Larry Burkett.  These are said to be the gurus of money management by the Word of God.

As much as I respect their ideal philosophy, and many people really do need to dig themselves out of debt, their practices are only good for the 10-15% of the world.


But they are good!

Yes, I agree.  If you are of the small population of the world that makes more than over 50% of the world's wealth, you may need some words of wisdom to manage your money.  But the other 50% or so?  They can barely earn enough to make ends meet.  Most people may not have enough saved for mortgages.  Or others believe that the earth is their house.  Who needs a mortgage.

In summary of all of this, why do we need to talk about these things if Salvation is all we need to talk about?

To be continued... (Really, there are a lot of talk about!  Remind me to bring up pro-life and pro-choice, and something else... if I can remember that something else.)

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