Tuesday, February 20, 2024

My Food Journey

A food pyramid that shows vegetables and fruits on the bottom, and which should be consumed the most per day, as opposed to earlier food pyramids showing grains on the bottom.

Going on a "diet" has been interesting this time. I've mentioned it a few weeks ago and thought I would share some of my experiences this time compared to two years ago. This program I went on is called a "Metobolic Reset", where I have to pretty much go on a paleo-ish diet and eat on a strict schedule. High in protein (40 grams of protein per meal) and good fats are encouraged, no fruits high on the glycemic index and no sugars, natural sugars, or artificial sweeteners, no grains and no legumes (beans). I also had to take supplements and consume a ketone shake during my "fasting" period. Of course, paleo doesn't allow dairy (cavemen don't know how to milk cows yet). I lost 5 pounds but more importantly, I do not have much of a brain fog, my joints feels a lot better, I don't have as much bloating, and I have more energy.

The science behind it. When you (literally) starve your body from certain types of carbohydrates, some simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, are not available as an energy source. So your body resorts to burning stored fat through the process of ketosis.

After 30 days, and when I went back on some of these carbohydrates, I could tell right away that something was strange. I just don't feel good. A few things I noted:

  • Sugar makes me bloated.  I read that if the sugar sits in our intestines long enough, it starts to ferment and cause gases in your intestines.  Interesting.
  • Cheese makes me constipated.  Well, I knew that already but who doesn't like cheese?
  • Commercial salad dressing makes me literally sick.  I went to the office one day and brought salad and forgotten my special salad dressing.  So I used whatever is in the office's fridge and wow, I just feel so sick.  I know it's more expensive but I'm sticking to organic salad dressing.
  • Anything high in salt content + wheat products.  Retains water and makes me heavier the next day.
The meal plan I went on two years ago was very restrictive.  It was called "Sprint Set".  It was high in vegetables but low to moderate on protein.  I mean, how does one consume 10 oz of salad?  That is nearly 5 to 6 cups of lettuce!  Plus, I felt I was literally starving the whole time.  My body went through the same process as compared to what I did this year, but it was not as sustainable on the long run.  I lost weight much faster in a short period of time, but when I introduced some foods back into my diet, my weight went straight back to where I started and then some.

The Metabolic Reset is more realistic.  Even though at first, I felt like I was starving, having enough proteins helps with that and eventually, I got used to it.  They have a strong emphasis on eating proteins (just like paleo) but they also want to make sure you get enough vegetables.  The point in eating more protein is filling satiated.  When I went on Sprint Set, I never felt full, so once it was done, I went back to gorging on different carbs.  On the Metabolic Reset, I was almost full but I can deal with that 90% feeling.

Both of these programs were through my chiropractor.  They have a scale called the Tanita scale that not only measures your weight but also body fat.  Comparing the results from 2 years ago to this year, I actually lost more fat this year than from the program two years ago.  I think what my body is doing 2 years ago is that it was fighting to keep fat instead of losing it and I also end up losing muscle mass because of the low protein consumption.  On this year's program, I was using protein and good fat to burn fat.  Fight fire with fire, they say.  The protein was there to maintain my muscle mass while I burn fat.  

Only time will tell if I maintain this type of eating habit.  I think being human, I do crave fried foods, comfort foods, and things high in carbs.  But knowing that these foods will make me feel ill, and knowing that my body is a lot different than 10 to 20 years ago, it has given me some pause on what kind of foods I'm eating, what foods I've eaten in the past and how it's affecting me today.  Of course, this diet is not for all, especially those with a high metabolism.  I was thinking in a later blog, I can go into my thoughts on our health, immune system, and diseases.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Faith Reset 2024

It's been a little over two months since I posted something on the blog.  Not intentional but going through the holidays, working a lot, and still continuing to write my long blog has kept me busy.

Just like every year, I often spend some time remembering what I did the previous year and what kind of goals I should accomplished this year.  And even though I felt I haven't done much last year, I may have done more than I thought.  So, I guess I'll offer a summary here and list some goals for this year.

Before the pandemic, I felt that I really had to be extra social to get anywhere.  I was doing all the things, literally.  But during the pandemic, it made me realize how much of an introvert I am.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  I do get exhausted being around a lot of people at times, and I now enjoy just being by myself most times.  I am not exactly alone or don't feel that way.  I do go out with friends once in a while.

Which leads me to bring up a group that I joined on Facebook in March 2023.  A friend of mine invited me into this group The Grownup's Table (Community for Single Christians).  I was a bit skeptical at first, because (1) I always think joining any kind of group on Facebook is a risk and (2) stranger danger and (3) it was a singles group, so I felt maybe I'm joining some kind of meat market.  But I joined and to my surprise, everybody I've met so far has been friendly.  In kind of a weird way, I feel like it's my online church.  I never would have thought of joining a fellowship that is not a part of a church.

Speaking of church, I think one of the biggest things I went through the last several years is a spiritual deconstructions.  I wrote about it some last year (Part 1 and Part 2) and it was when it really hit me that what I have been doing and what I truly believe doesn't really match up and align.  September 2023, I left the church I was a part of for four years and kind of started going back to Mosaic Church (Charlotte).  I have been to Mosaic before and was with Mosaic for about 5 years before moving onto another church.  Compare to some of the other churches I've been to, it's somewhat progressive but still has solid Christian beliefs.  And thinking back through the many churches I've been to, somehow this season of life, Mosaic and their practices makes sense to me.  I think this year would be a faith reset and redefining what I believe.  I still believe in Christ and his teachings, but beyond that, I am not sure where to go from here.  I think I'll park where I am right now and I think in time, my path will be clearer.

I went to London!  That was exciting.  I went with a friend and spent a week there. It was a lovely trip and I would like to go back at some point.

I keep saying my dad is doing fine but I something think he's not.  I know at time he feels frustrated maybe depressed that he can't see well.  It sort of robs you of your freedom.  And I really do wish and hope he finds some kind of joy that I am taking care of him.  This part, being a caregiver, is kind of tiring at times but it's not so bad if you get yourself organized.  I kind of feel bad sometimes if I leave him home by himself (with my dog Camellia), but I think he actually likes being by himself.  Sort of like me, he's kind of an introvert.  

My dog, she's a hoot.  I think in her older age, she has gotten lazier or just very easily spooked by something on the greenway.  There is a particular greenway called Clark's Greenway that I really enjoy but the last several months, she's been spooked by something.  So, we haven't been to the Clark's Greenway for a while.  But that gave me more opportunities to explore other ones that I don't go to as much.  

I guess those are the biggest events and things from last year.  I don't believe in resolutions, but I do believe we need to set some goals and things to accomplished this year.  I don't have much but I will list a few.

Reading books (yes I read books): I actually don't always like to read as I read a lot at work already.  But one book I enjoyed last year was Being God's Image by Dr. Carmen Joy Imes.  It was a book mainly about what it means to be God's image and it showed me that there are folks out there that think very similarly to how I think when it comes to this topic.  I may blog about it to give it some more content of what I'm talking about.  I actually heard about this book from my friend JM Smith (who by the way started The Grownup's Table Facebook group) through his YouTube channel called Disciple Dojo, and I think it was from his short series about Genesis 1 where he mentioned about this book in one of his videos.  This year, I want to read at least 4 books, and any books are fine.  There is one particular book I have on order called It's the End of the World as You Know It  by Matthew L. Halsted and it talks about eschatology stuff.  I'm kind of excited because I like to read about weird Christian stuff.  I think when I ordered, it was still at the printing press, but I should be getting the book soon from Amazon.  I have another book that is also on my list called House of Caravans which was written by my college friend Shilpi Suneja.   I already have the book, so I just need to find the time to read it. 

Writing: I'm going to jump back into writing blogs.  It is therapeutic to me.  I had a goal last year of at least two per month but as you can see from looking back, I had some months where I only had one but one month I wrote five blogs.  I guess it's just however my brain is flowing that month.  In total last year, I wrote 24 blogs, which actually does average to two blogs per month.

Travels: This is mandatory but going to Hong Kong in September for my cousin's wedding.  I haven't been in four years and I don't particularly know if I'm excited or frightful.  There's been a lot going on in Hong Kong over the past four years on top of the pandemic mess we've all been going through.  I think this pandemic has crippled Hong Kong in a lot of ways.  Economically, politically, socially.  So, it would be interesting how my family really handled it.  I only see a few things via social media and our cousins group chat on WhatsApp.  I may be going on a work trip in June but that is TBD for now.

Activities and Health : I hope to start jogging again and participate in a 5K.  And also go hiking but I haven't done either.  That was a goal I had last year but it never happened.  So, I think it's just time to get off my lazy a$$ and just get it done. 😁  Also, I participated on a "diet" through my chiropractor called "Metabolic Reset", where I had to eat a keto/paleo diet (mainly, no dairy, sugars, sweeteners, natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and some fruit), and take supplements.  I feel fine and better as my joints are not as sore and I don't have much of a brain fog.  I lost about 5 pounds in the month of January.  The last few days, I have introduced a few things back into my diet and I already felt sick.  I think it's the hidden salt and sugars in some of the foods I tried.  So I am going to back off.  I have a goal to continue my "diet" and with some cheat meals here and there.  I hope to lose maybe another 5 to 10 pounds before my trip to Hong Kong.

Spiritual: I hope to continue to unravel my brain and discover more things about Christ that I haven't thought of before.  It's sort of exciting to explore this realm of things and think beyond Scripture without feeling you have boundaries.  Because when I was stuck in the rut I was in, I felt I was trapped and finding the key to unlock the box, I now realize what Christ and the Bible is really trying to say about our universe around us.  It's fascinating stuff and I hope to write more about it as the year progressing.  Please note, I may be sacrilegious in this regards, but there are things beyond Scripture that can explain the nature of the spiritual world.  Even John wrote in the book of John 21: 25 "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

I think that's it.  I'm sure there are more things I'll do and accomplished but these are the goals and thoughts I have for the upcoming year.