Thursday, January 2, 2014

365 Day Challenge (Day 2) : The Trouble with Thinking

The trouble with thinking is that one who thinks a lot may be lost in their thoughts.

I was once called a "daydream believer".  It is from the song by the same name "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees (a musical group that was meant to be a parody of The Beatles back in the 1960's, which in turned, became a successful "boy band" itself).  Sometimes when I do homework or read a book or even writing papers (or a blog), I often catch myself and my mind wandering into deep thoughts.

If you asked what I was thinking about back then, I could not really tell you.  I might have been dreaming about my future career.  My future aspirations.  My future husband.

It's funny how time flies and come into present.  Often times, I still catch my mind wandering into something else.  Much of my thoughts now are filled with theology, philosophy, or science, or arguing with myself about current events and where I stand on different issues.  

It takes time to think; thinking can really power and empower the mind if you fill it with positive thoughts or useful thoughts or very logical thoughts.  Thinking for me involves logic.  But sometimes thinking involves emotions.  Thinking may not require others; it doesn't require speaking.  Sometimes it's good to just sit and think in reflection of life.

But thinking can also be dangerous.  Assumptions can endanger your mind with negative thoughts.  I try to stay clear of that.  Assumptions can lead to anger, fear, hatred (as Yoda will say).  Assume nothing.

Having conversations with thinking people is quite intriguing to me.  There are doers and there are thinkers.  I am very much a thinker, although often times I try to find actual activities to balance out the thinking.  I do not run into many deep thinking people but when I do, it always catches me by surprise.  I find like minds to be fascinating to me when we share a kindred spirit of similar or even dissimilar topics.

One of the greatest speakers I have ever heard was former basketball coach Jimmy Valvano.  In his ESPY speech in 1994 (I think), he had many quotable quotes.  To list a few relating to this blog:
  • "I will thank God for the day and the moment I have."
  • "Be a dreamer.  If you don't know how to dream, you're dead."
  • "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that is a full day.  That is one heck of a day.  You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."

I can really think and dream all day.  I often times do get lost in my thoughts.  But all that is golden may not appear as they are.  Not all who wander in thought are completely lost.

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