Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Page (or Blog) a Day - 365 Day Challenge 2014

I woke up late this morning on New Year Day and thought to myself, "I don't have a new year's resolution."

I usually don't make any resolutions.  It's a promise I can't keep.  But in thinking about this further over the course of the day, a thought came to mind and stems from a few post I saw prior to New Year.

It gave me an idea: What if I write a page (or blog) a day for the next 365 days?

No particular series of topics.

No particular pattern.

Whatever comes to my head, I write by the end of the day.

No requirements in length but maybe longer than one sentence, at least a paragraph to make it a blog.

I thought, "Hey, it sounds like a good idea."  

So, here's to 2014!  Let's see what I write this year.  :)  

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