This past year has proven to be yet a challenging year for most of us. We are still technically in a pandemic. Some of us are still in a quarantine/lock-down/isolation. Some of us are still struggling to connect. Maybe some of us are trying to find work. Many businesses are still struggling to hire. And although there are a lot of great highlights in 2021, there was sadness as well. I knew more people over the past year who came down with COVID-19, and many recovered. But sadly, two friends have passed away from complications.
I've started to write down in my journal the things that has happened in 2021. I thought it wasn't much but I just started summarizing, bulleting, writing short sentences of what I remember. And a lot has happened. I had some struggles. I went back to working in the office two days a week while still working at home 3 days a week. I've learned that I am more introverted than I thought. God brought to light a lot of things I need to deal with and work on. God taught me a lot of things I didn't think I need to know. I realize I listen too well (or maybe that's not the right description, but I will listen to you...) I made new friends and got to know folks through Zoom, email, WhatsApp, etc. I have some anger issues too.
And all these things, it made me realize that I don't write enough. I don't share enough.
Even though I have no set resolution this year, I thought maybe a great way to put my thoughts in writing is in a blog.
I know what you might be thinking, "Josey, you've had this thought to blog for a while."
I actually wanted to start last year in 2021 but never had any concrete idea or path of how to do it. But this time around, going back through my journal, writing down those things I've did and thoughts I had over 2021, I think I might have enough material to write some things.
I would like to at least write once a week, or 3 times a month. I don't really know if I have enough material for that. But now that businesses and restaurants have opened up more, I think I will sprinkle some of the serious topics with some light hearted things (like eating and sports).
In the Christian circle, sometimes we pick a word to define our year. And while sitting around today, watching TV, I heard God saying, "grace." So, in God's Grace, I'm looking forward to having a meaningful and purposeful 2022.
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