Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Birth Pains

In the Bible, Jesus is telling his disciples about his second coming.  He tells his disciples the wars, famines and earthquakes that will happen prior to his coming.  He said to them, "All these are the beginning of birth pains." (Matthew 24:8)

This has taking me a few days to really processed what happened on Monday, March 27th, 2023, at the Covenant School in Nashville, TN. I feel a deep sense of sadness but also a huge amount of anger and frustration. When it comes to guns, it seems we're still stuck with the political bull-crap that is going on in Congress. I understand that in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, we have a right to bear arms in the United States, but I doubt that the founding fathers of this country foresaw this coming.  It really burdens me that people should use weapons as a source to display their emotions, their anger, their hate, their frustration.  Guns are meant for defense, not to kill innocent lives for no reason.  Guns are not the answer.  Children should be able to go to school, learn and have fun, and not for their parents to worry about their safety.  

What surprised me this time is that it happened at a Christian school. Somewhere you would think children should be safe(r). I often ask, "Where has the church failed this child/person?" Maybe I shouldn't blame the church but it must be a question that has crossed a lot of people's minds by now.  

I do believe we need stricter gun laws.  We need to override some HIPAA laws and allow psychiatrist and counselors to report patients to authorities with mental issues and disorders.  We need background checks.  We need to stop people from buying assault rifles and military type weapons.  They have no business owning those unless they are working in the military.  We need more programs to address mental illness.  We need more compassion, kindness and respect to those who are going through a lot of hurt.

I do understand the 2nd Amendment.  It was a law created to protect us from real issues like foreign invasions and a tyrannic government.  It can happen.  It was created so that we can own guns to protect ourselves.  I have no issues with people owning guns as long as it is used for self-defense and nothing heinous.  I just want to advocate gun laws so that guns do not end up in the wrong hands.

We do need prayer but we also need to do something beyond that.  And most of us don't really know how to move forward, I feel.  We can only do so much to petition for stricter gun laws to our local lawmakers as well as our congressman.  But with them being divided on this issue, I don't know if this will get done.  We can only push and continue to work with them towards having stricter laws.

These are the birth pains we are experiencing today...

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