Saturday, August 27, 2022

A Little Sabbatical

Unintentionally, I took a little sabbatical from church.

I took 4 weeks off. Actually, the intentional part was that I was battling a cold (which could have been COVID, however tested negative every time I tested the first week) and then the unintentional part is that I had some congestion and persisting cough for 3 more weeks.  I could have gone to church but I felt a break was much needed.  

It was a good break, actually.  I got to spend some time with family and friends.  But I think most importantly, re-gear my head and heart from a lot of thinking I've been doing this summer.  

There are a lot of questions I have about God, Christ, and Christianity.  And it is good to have questions about anything you believe and follow.  Blindly following a religion or anything can, well, blind you from seeing other things around you.  

I knew some folks in my Christian circle may say that is kind of dangerous, to unplug yourself from fellowship for that long.  But even Jesus left the crowds for period of time to just focus on God.  There were times he prayed to God fervently and there were times that he was tempted by Satan.  But during the whole time, he was focused on God.  

There are probably many reasons I shouldn't follow God.  But all those reasons led me to believe I need to follow God more.  Because whatever loopholes I can think of, God has answered, "Where else should you go?"

The Bible is a very interesting book.  It may be good to study other religious works to make comparisons.  Or find a chart that somebody already did the work.  

Anyways, thanks for reading my steady stream of conscienceness.  I'll be checking into church service too (san cold-like symptoms).

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