In a recent drop in for lunch, I was comfortable enough to walk into the kitchen, said, "Hi Dad." And placed my order.
But what if I didn't know my dad worked there? Would I have the same comfort in just walking into the kitchen and say, "I want to order the
Two things strike me about this visit.
I know my father. I knew my father well enough to just walked up to him and said, "Hi." Of course, he was happy to see me. He never said, "Get out of the kitchen, I'm working!" He stopped whatever he was doing (peeling shrimp at the time) and started to talk to me. More like, "What do you want to eat?" (God provides food!) In any case, I knew my father and how he would respond to me if I walk in for lunch one day.
Go to where He works. Many times, we missed this mark about being Christ followers. We have our own ideas of where God is working and just want to go, go, go. But what if God is not exactly working the way you think He's working? No doubt, God is working everywhere, but where is your heart and how is your relationship with God? (Go back to previous paragraph.) How well do you know your Father? How much are you delighting in the Lord where He can gives you the desire of your heart that matches you? One person who works well in Asian may not be a good fit for another Believer. I knew where my dad is working and I was comfortable enough to walk into the kitchen.
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