Wednesday, June 9, 2010

one day

I was inspired a few days ago to "unplug" from Facebook.

In a society where social networking via internet is the hip thing to do, it seems a little out-of-place even on my part to take a fast off Facebook.

What caused me to do it?

Well, the other day, I was absolutely off Facebook for 18 hours straight, from the time I went to bed on Monday night at 11pm to the time I got off of work Tuesday at 5pm. I had meetings and couldn't get to my iPhone at my desk during lunch since I was obliged to eat lunch up in the training (conference) room at work. I made a status update saying something like, "I went all day without Facebook" and I got some comments to that from friends stating their amazement or shock or complete surprise that I could go all day during the work hours without Facebook.

I mentioned that, yes, there is life outside of Facebook. In fact, I have went 3 days without Facebook due to the fact that I was traveling into China and China doesn't even allow Facebook into the country. I didn't even bring my laptop and left it in Hong Kong. What's the point of bringing my laptop if I can't get to more than half the sites I usually visited? Actually, I think one time I have went one week without Facebook, out of curiosity if I can do it, and I did it.

So, that inspired me to take the challenge: go 24 hours without Facebook. I think I past that already, since that started about 11:30pm last night and it's already 11:37pm. I learned a lot, depend on other things to do.

Like... I got to enjoy the Stanley Cup finals and it kind of made my dad watch the game since it was potentially the final game. Congrats to the Blackhawks. I learned a lot from this game, because so many things were going on. Cross checking (penalty), icing, off-sides... I had to look them up in the internet but it proves that if I'm paying attention to the game, I can learn without Facebook distracting me. :)

I met with a pastor at church to go over "stuff". It was very refreshing to know I'm a normal woman and that as a normal woman, I have struggles like a woman. I'm not a woman brainwashed by engineering school. :) And because I wasn't on Facebook prior to my meeting with the pastor, I think it kept me focus the whole day through this meeting and beyond.

I even cooked my dinner early! How efficient was that?

And now, I'm wasting time blogging when I should be sleeping. But Facebook fast, I should start taking those more often. :)

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