Tuesday, February 10, 2015


In times when I have a chance to quiet my mind from a busy week or weekend, I often think back on what has happened over that period of time.

I attended an awesome conference called, "IF: Gatherings", a ministry that inspires and equip women of today's generation.  It was actually a stream from Austin, TX, where my local church Mosaic Church Charlotte hosted a group of about 70 women to watch the stream.

Throughout the conference, the story of Joshua and Caleb was told, intermingled with stories from women who have had their struggles and victories that relates to the Joshua/Caleb story.  In the Book of Joshua in the Bible, the Hebrews finally made it to the borders of the promised land.  A leader of each tribe of Israel went out to scope the land.  When they came back, they described the land flowing with "milk and honey" but 10 of the 12 then said there were giants, that the Hebrews should stay.  This brought moaning and groaning amongst the people, but Joshua and Caleb said, "Nope, let's go charging in."

Once they came in, the first obstacle was getting through the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6).  God said to Joshua to tell his people to march around the walls once a day, for 6 days, while the priest are blowing trumpets.  On the 7 day, march around it 7 times, and then after the march on this day, Joshua commanded them to shout.  The walls of Jericho came tumbling down, as the song goes,

After taking over the Promised Land and defeating many of the "giants", Joshua chapter 24 talks of the renewing of the covenant with Israel.  Many times in the Bible, an altar is built simple of laying of big rocks or stones.  So, towards the end of the conference, each woman were given a stone and we were told to write whatever God has laid on our hearts.  "What is your next step of faith?"

So, the word that God gave me was "fly".  God is telling me to fly with faith.  There is a story behind it.  Over Christmas and New Year, my dad, brother, and I flew to Hong Kong to visit family.  We arrived on December 26th and then two days later, an airplane crashed between Indonesia and Singapore into the sea.  Flying back to the United States over a week later, I was scared.  We were flying over China, Russia, and close to the North Pole (icy waters) before flying over Canada and then to the United States.  17 hours in an airplane is a long time.  I've never been afraid of flying until that day we were flying back.  After landing in Newark, NJ, I felt a bit relieved but also very very sleepy.  I thank God that we got to the United States safe.

When I was sitting at IF: Gathering, God told me to write "fly" on my little rock.  It became clear what He was telling me.  God said, "If I have kept you safe on a long flight from Hong Kong to the U.S., I will keep you safe if only you fly with faith."  Sometimes faith has to be childlike.  I used to love going on trips and getting on the airplane.  I used to love flying.  I had no fear of the plane possibly crashing into land or sea below.  (Matthew 18:2-4)

I ask God, "Where am I flying to?"  No answer yet.  Just fly... Praying that God will show me where to fly next.